Who said that? Step up and forward, please, I am taking you for a ride. Who ever thought that growing a bit of an environmental conscience meant you had to be bored rigid while moving about?

My 1584cm³ moped, a 2008 Harley-Davidson Fat Bob

For about half the upfront cost my gas mileage is nearly identical to that of a Toyota Prius, my insurance is cheaper, I can park anywhere and the fun I am having while undertaking even the most benign of journeys is increased by an order of magnitude that rapidly approaches “∞”. What’s not to like?

For one, you have got to be comfortable with talking to strangers. Frequently. You will have all kind of folks approaching you when you ride a Harley-Davidson. Kids in their late teens/early twens will laugh at you and call you an old fart. Overtly cool, young’ish and athletic men in their mid-thirties will compliment you on your ‘nice bike’, only to inform you half a sentence later that the Harley they keep in their garage has been farkled with *a lot* more chrome parts than yours (?). Old folks will approach you and share stories of events so far in the past that even they barely remember them. And not to be forgotten, depending on your attire and visual appearance at the time of the encounter, scary-looking, tattooed men will either scowl at you (?) or engage you in conversations so far outside your comfort zone that they might leave you with a bit of an uncomfortable feeling (?).

Oh, and people in Priuses will of course ignore you, worthless trailer trash that you are! (?)

I love these encounters — from chatting with squids half my age at gas stations, to spending an hour in a supermarket parking lot listening to the musings of the sweetest 90-year old woman (?) you will ever meet, and anything in between. They are an essential part of what makes two-wheeled transport so much more enjoyable than driving a car.

Now, does this mean everyone should run out and buy a Harley in order to save the planet? How the &#$% (?) would I know? Maybe you would be happier riding a BMW, a Triumph, a Ducati, a Vespa, a Ural, something else entirely, or maybe you just hate motorcycles all together. I guess what I am trying to say is that going green(‘ish) does not have to be boring and/or an insurmountable challenge.

And finally: yes, if you live in the city you can reduce your carbon footprint even further by walking or using a bicycle. And if you happen to live in Norway you are most likely unable to ride a motorcycle for the better part of the year anyway.