Following an agonizing (?) 10-day wait Steve finally sent the long-awaited:
“Alright, you’ve suffered long enough – stop by my store this morning and pick up your bowl of Mulligatawny new shiny.”
email. Needless to say, I was thrilled. Deep down I knew he wasn’t going to make me wait for two whole years. The big softie.
Everything went as usual — store overcrowded, staff super-friendly, and once being helped everything was smooth sailing.
Back home I was reminded that USB (1.0/1.1/2.0, or 17.0, for that matter) wasn’t really meant to transfer a multitude of gigabytes from one device to another; my left buttock fell asleep and I’m pretty sure I have to shave again. It is Tuesday, right (?)?
And now I get to (re-)experience the joy of (re-)entering dozens upon dozens of user names, passwords and email addresses.
Then, sometime late this afternoon, I’ll have a functioning cell phone again. But it is worth all that, right? Right?!??
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